
What? As another major research goal, the project investigates how scientific knowledge is gained and formed within the empirical finance community. To this end, about 30 peer evaluators (PEs) who are established scholars in (financial) economics review up to 20 short papers each. The peer evaluation process will be single-blind and peers will rate the overall quality of a paper and each hypothesis tested in a paper on a 0-10 Likert scale, and they will provide written comments on each paper with suggestions for improvements in the methodology used. The single-blind evaluation process implies that evaluators will be anonymous with respect to the RTs, but not the other way round. The RTs will not be anonymous with respect to the evaluators as an incentive to provide a high quality analysis. The peer evaluators will be anonymous to ensure that they freely express their views about the paper. The peer evaluators will be co-authors on the paper, given that they complete all the peer evaluations that they are assigned. Like the RTs and the project coordinators, peer evaluators will sign an agreement to keep their evaluations confidential and to not reveal the identity of RTs and team members to anyone outside the project coordination team.

Why participate? First, PEs will be able to satisfy the curiosity of the academic in you and be part of this landmark project. Second, all PEs (and research teams; RTs) will become co-authors of the paper that targets publication in a top scientific journal. The organizers of this project pulled it off once before in neuroscience which yielded a 2020 publication in Nature (Botvinik-Nezer et al., 2020). The sequel (i.e., this project) improves the previous design by adding peer feedback - which is where the PEs play a very important role - and involves the cooperation of one of the world's most successful exchanges as data sponsor.

further information

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